If you are starting a new business and have not selected your domain yet - don't worry! Below are 5 domain branding styles and domain options (courtesy of the WIX blog) you might want to consider in your search:
1. PERSONAL BRANDING (ie, using your name as the domain: StephanieJones.com).
This can create a sense of trust, authority, and credibility.
2. GENERIC BRANDING (ie, Photography.com)
Immediate understanding of your business and what you offer.
3. SUGGESTIVE BRANDING (ie, TheKnot.com)
Related to purpose of the company in a more abstract way.
4. ARBITRARY BRANDING (ie, BellaAndBloom.com)
Has no direct tie to company offerings.
5. HYBRID BRANDING (ie, SugarSugarCupcakes.com)
Includes the company name and purpose.
WIX suggests to KEEP IT SIMPLE! Try and keep your domain name to around 3 words or less and make your URL as short as possible (while trying to keep it catchy). Longer domain names = more likelihood of typo's.
Make your decision and stick with it.
Change is great but not when it comes to your company name. Consistency and brand recognition are best.
Source: The WIX Blog