Managing a blog requires time (alot of it), effort and most importantly creativity (and I don't necessarily mean just the design). You want your readers to be engaged in what you're sharing with them so in order to accomplish this, you have to be creative in what you write and how you write it. It has tremendous benefits when it comes to SEO so why not give it a go? Be sure to follow these smart suggestions from the WIX Blog:
Hands down the most important tip for having a killer blog is to add new and relevant content for your audience. Developing a unique voice and staying up-to-date on trending topics and breaking news is a surefire way to make your blog stand out.
2. INCLUDE STUNNING IMAGES (pssst...this is SO important)
In addition to a well written blog post, you know your blog is destined for greatness when you’ve got gorgeous images to compliment your text. If your images are pleasing to the eye, your readers will make the overall connection that your brand is beautiful.
3. CREATE AN ATTRACTIVE DESIGN (this is also a must do)
If you’re planning to drive a ton of traffic to your blog, then you need it to look stunning so your visitors will ooh and aah upon their arrival.
The number of social shares your blog gets is a solid way to gauge how well-received your blog is. If your readers are sharing your content on Facebook, you’re doing something right! Be sure to add the Facebook Share app from the Wix App Market so that visitors can easily share your content straight to their Facebook page or right onto a friend’s Facebook timeline.
A simple way to learn if your blog is a hit? Ask your readers. Giving them a voice and encouraging feedback is key to a successful blog. The Comments app allows you to ask questions, open a discussion with your visitors and receive feedback on your blog posts so you can keep improving. If a particular blog post struck up a conversation, take note.
We know. We just shuttered at the mere thought of analytics too. But in order to understand just how amazing your blog is, it’s important to analyze the relevant metrics so you know what’s working and what’s not. The Visitor Analytics app gives you detailed statistics on your visitors and their behavior inside of your site. You can track where your traffic is coming from, where they’re moving inside of your blog and what is really holding their attention.
Want to raise those numbers? A great way to do that is to encourage your readers to subscribe to your newsletter. The Wix Get Subscribers app allows all of your visitors to sign up to your subscriber list and receive your amazing content.